Monday, 18 July 2011

Till I get started...

I find that in this digital age, where everything is fast, disposable and supposedly easy- it is in fact quite hard to track down the final images from the shoots I have done. So until I have run up and down the 6 floors of the Filly building (power cuts) in my high heels and headphones, pestering all the re-touchers for my images, these will have to do.

So far this summer has been very different to previous years. While last summer was amazing (month in NYC with my wingtwin), this summer I have been hard at work churning out a shit-tonne of fashion editorials. Those of you who know me know exactly how lazy I am, and what a whiny so-and-so I can be... so I'm going to shock you... I have been LOVING my hard work, LOVING all the clothes, LOVING the long-sticky-beach-shoot days, LOVING the people I have been meeting, and LOVING the end result of my shoots.

That's not to say I don't have the occasional shitfit or grumpy day, but generally I have been feeling like a total rockstar when it comes to work- five fashion editorials in 3weeks, paaahhh why don't you just throw a few more in there for me? I'll knock it out the park, and get a tan while doing so.

Here is a little selection from messing around between shots/after shoots in the last few weeks.

Toys, Protaras July 2011

Mixed Messages. Protaras July 2011
Burnt angry Photographer. Protaras July 2011
It can be really, really hard shooting on the beach. no joke. Protaras July 2011

My lovely model of the day, Danielle. For Aeras Magazine. July 2011

Stellara&Panic. Protaras July 2011
Photographers hard at work. Protaras July 2011

This girl knows how to work her poses like NO OTHER. Tereza for Cosmopolitan fashion. Nicosia July 2011

Rings and things. July 2011

Pan and Tereza. Studio, Nicosia July 2011

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