no carbs...no mid week piss up...no lounging by the pool like a louche mofo. It could only mean one thing, summer is officially over, my tan seems to have faded overnight, and I have gained 6kgs. I blame all of this on the MONSTER. Monster has ruined my life and my waist size. I literally tried to put on a pair of trousers last night AND COULD BARELY CLOSE THEM. I know some people have been appreciating my new peachy ass, and I thank you for the various squeezes, pinches and verbal compliments. But that shit just don't fly with me. So as of monday I have cut carbs drastically(so what does one eat if it's not carbs? I still don't know), no more monster (withdrawls), and reducing my alcohol intake (boring), and most extreme of all, tomorrow I have my first session with a personal trainer. WHAT HAS BECOME OF ME?!? oh yeah, my clothes don't fit after a summer of being the most louche-tastic being on the island. Daytime drinking, night-time drinking, eating, eating late night, and lying by the pool/beach does not burn too many calories I have realised the hard way. So it's time to get back to a new, improved routine.
I'll let you know how long I last.
Enough rambling, here are some delightful pictures...
Pan and I went boating while drinking wine |
we didn't capsize despite the wine |
I watched sunsets in Mosfiloti |
and tanned with Franny |
and watched more beautiful sunsets |
watched some boys being extreme |
Franny posed awesomely |
I posed stupidly (nice new Ray-Bans though right?) |
took some scenic pictures. cause I'm artistic like |
gliiitttterrrr tan! |
...or maybe not too serious. lovely footballer shoot (plus me) for Down Town magazine |
we make such a good couple no? |
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