Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Like a high-five from baby jesus

So there I am riding my ladybike home from town at sunset the other day, feeling very at peace with the world, very happy and positive and overflowing with good vibes (holy crap, I'm an accidental hippy aren't I?) and then POWWWWW.... I look ahead and see this... which literally left me speechless with awesomeness. There is something so instantly magical about sunset, and this one was so spectacular that I leapt from my bike and ran into the middle of the street so I could get a better picture of it (I was forward thinking enough to check there were no cars coming, obv). It was like an affirmation from somewhere (I'm not religious, so I'm not saying it was from baby jeez (but we're cool)) like a little reminder that things are all good, and life is on a pretty sweet path. so yey to that kitties.

We decided to shake things up a little on yesterday's Bike Crew Ride and instead of going on the path, we roamed the streets of town. My suppressed loucheness caught up with me and I ditched the ride to go down to Xaratsi for a beer instead...naughty but totes worth it. But we made our way back to each other in the end, so it all worked out just fine, justifying my alcoholism.

This is tonight at Omikron Gallery and should be awesome, come down an support arrrrtttt and culllturrree sweetie darlings!

Saturday, 26 May 2012

Bike Epicness part deux

 The bike crew hit the path once again this week, bigger and better than ever... actually maybe not better, as we were plagued by about four flat tires during the ride which was a bit of a bummer. We have however joined forces with the Micromania bike crew, to form one massive bad-ass bike gang. We go round knocking children off bikes, stealing ice creams, and generally terrorizing the citizens of Nicosia. Muhahahaha. Kidding obviously (although one of our newest recruits did have a little incident involving a child, although the blame was appropriated at 50-50).

The best part of this ride was going off-road adventuring at some point along the path and finding a random lake with hills and jumps and a little half-pipe style track. So we had some funzies jumping around like pro's (well ok, most of the group are pretty effing-pro...but I just fake it, shhh). Actually I did manage to not die, and actually kind of rocked a super steep, slightly dangerous hillside... and didn't wipe out or fly off the's because the i-phone bike dj was rocking some 80's Madonna...and no one can die listening to 80's Madonna.

We are currently still accepting new recruits, for a limited time only. Acceptance into the crew is dependent on your bike skillz such as; one (or no) handed riding, tricks, jumps, biking outfits, no-hands moves (bonus points if you invent and execute new ones), and a love of a post-ride beer.

Must dash- SVOURA tonight x


Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Svoura this Saturday

Playing at Svoura this saturday - for the good cause of informing people and hopefully raising some money, for a rally against ACTA.
I will be playing at 10pm for about an hour, so I hope to see you all there!

Tuesday, 22 May 2012


Sorry for being somewhat of a slack-alice lately, got caught up in wedding-ing, weekend shenanigans and whatnot. But you know, I have to experience things in order to be able to have some sort of excitement to write about, no?
The main highlight of late was being the maid of honour for my lovely ladyfriend Tania. I am no good with churches and priests, and weddings and tears... I'm good at the drinking and dancing portion of the evening so I did ok then... but I was a bit of a nervous mess until the booze started flowing. Especially as I had many awkwardly hilarious tasks to perform that I was unawares of... like dancing round the bride to a room full of people. Yeah I looked like a tit. But it was awesome. I also managed to behave somewhat normalsaucely in the church, which took a great deal of restraint on my part, especially when I was forced to embellish the truth about being baptised to the priest (I thought the church would burst into flames). But all went relatively dramz free, which was awesome. And the party was great- dancing round barefoot like a little child is always fun.
Me dancing round like a tit
The happy couple and parents!
Barefoot dancing like a tit. 

The rest of the weekend was sun-filled and fancy-free, my tan is getting pretty epic already considering it is only May (biggest benefit of living on a sunny island)  
Roof tanning madness
Little ladybird friend that attacked me on the beach!
That would be my posey suntan face. 
And as I haven't actually uploaded many of my finished shoots, but rather just silly behind the scenes shots, here are some of my latest Cosmopolitan editorials -
Cosmopolitan March issue. Photographer- Panagiotis Mina, Styling- Shona Muir. Hair- Marios Neofytou Make up- Ilona Garamvolgyi Model- Janna (Ace Models Greece) 

Cosmopolitan April Issue. Photographer- Panagiotis Mina. Styling- Shona Muir. Hair- Costandinos Manjiokas Make up- Eliana Mandrides Model- Paulina (Ace Models Greece)

Cosmopolitan May Issue. Photographer- Panagiotis Mina. Styling- Shona Muir. Hair- Costandinos Manjiokas Make up- Ilona Garamvolgyi Models- Katie and Toffi (Voch Models Cyprus)

So there you have it, all the running around and organising and sillyness on shoot days all culminates in this- Pretty cool no?
