Monday, 4 February 2013

how'd you like mah teefs?

So uhm, I guess girls have somewhat of a reputation when it comes to shopping, and whoever has seen my wardrobe room knows that I am no stranger to a spot of retail therapy. But lately I seem to have become a lot more selective or picky about what I decide to buy or not. I might see something I like, and in the past wouldn't have stopped to consider whether or not to buy it, I'd already be matching it up into outfits in my head, but now something peculiar has come over me. I actually stop and think before whipping out my wallet - do I really need this? Do I love it, am I actually totes in love with it, or is it just a passing crush, can I justify buying it or do I just want it? Don't get me wrong, it's always nice to have something you just *really* want (you may recall my miumiu sparkly trainers), but I think I'm just starting to put more value on things in the long term rather than the short term rush of a new impulse purchase. 

This little prelude brings us round to my recent trip. Considering I hadn't been to London in over two years I was a little worried that I was going to go shopping crazy before even getting to Buenos Aires...which led to me not actually really buying anything at all. But then, slightly disappointingly (but good for my bank balance), I didn't really find all that much in Argentina either. Days of walking round markets, malls, and boutiques resulted in - one vest (very nice) and a pair of shorts (I wore jeans that day and it was hot, so somewhat a necessity purchase) and a delightful necklace...made of teeth. I know it's seriously disgusting in it's amazingness, I just totally fell for it, found in a random jumble of a shop in the mercado of San Telmo, and had to have it. Even the man in the shop seemed a bit surprised that I wanted it. Didn't know what animal it came from. Sold it to me for 40pesos. Awesome. 

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