Starting something with an apology is never too good, but I feel pretty bad at being such a slacker on the blog front. I have been in full on lazy summer mode. When brain function is at an all time low coupled with the sheer energy it takes to just type, and the fact that my days have been filled with...with... umm.. a lot of nothing... well it leads to an empty blog. So here goes, I am sorry internet world for not being a faithful blogger. I promise to try harder, i'll get better, just give me one more chance. (Wow blogging is really like a relationship, you have to put so much into it to get any results, and unless it's truly great, it inevitably comes to an end. Hmm... I'm no good at relationships, let's hope I'm better at blogging)
Summer is flying by, yet somehow I feel like I'm still waiting for it to actually start. That's going to be a huge disappointment once work picks up again. Last summer I spent a month in NYC and then London, it was beyond amazingly fun times, but it was so active and busy that I got back feeling like I needed another month of lying on the beach doing eff all. And I got back and got thrown in the deep end at work, so I am really enjoying doing a whole lot of nothing, and mentally preparing for going back to work with a fresh mind.
Ok enough of my rambling nothingness. Forgive me again, as throughout all the fun things I have been doing lately, I haven't been snapping any pictures. I suck at this. So here is a little mélange of what has been occupying my days of late...
Skinny Minnie. I seem to be more concerned that she is nourished than myself. I guess that's what parenthood is like. |
Been watching A LOT of hot vampires...
...see. hot. |
Lusting after the MiuMiu trainers |
Dreaming of the soon to be released Missoni for target collection.
watching, re-watching and then watching some more Parks and Rec. |
Taken the odd incriminating photo... |
Got trashed at a basketball game |
Did the occasional photoshoot |
got gangstaaa with monkey, NYC style |
ate fish at my favourite fish restaurant |
beachy beach, hipster style |
did some tanning with my lovely mama and sister |
and took even more pictures of my freaking adorable dog. |