Friday, 16 September 2011

alcohol intake for the week, shockingly, zero.

I have been beyond super awesome this week, despite a very little amount of sleep (according to monkey it is due to the super-full moon that we just experienced).

A rough breakdown of my week goes as follows: I have imbibed no alcohol (I'm sure whomever experienced a conversation with me at the banana party is infinitely glad about that), no energy drinks (therefore no odd heart palpitations), minimum calories (not even craving carbs anymore, it's kinda cool). Three work out sessions (two personal training, one zumba). An awesome men's fashion editorial for Icon (and even awesomer, a gorgeous Irish model). A perfectly timed late night skype chat with two amazing friends (very little nudity, but not none at all). And a lot of drooling over Alexander Skarsgaard (when will you realise we are MFEO??).

All things considered, not a bad week wouldn't you agree? I don't really know what's going on with me lately, it's a bit weird but I'm going with the positive vibes. Work has been tough, but I'm so pleased with my shoots, with challenging myself to be excited about what I'm doing, and doing it with great results. Maybe it's all the Monster slowly leaving my this what people regularly feel like on a daily basis? Shit, it's not too bad. I'm also liking the slight feeling of autumn in the air (ok who am I kidding it's still mad hot...but I'm liking rocking out my shorts/boots combo. I feel like I'm getting back into my style groove, BUT I WANT TO LAYER).

I very much feel as though my internal mood dial is on some weird cusp that flips between really happy, positive, taking it all in my stride, then POW, flips over to total melancholic despair, insomnia, restlessness. Anyone have a cure? Or maybe just give me a little cuddle if you see me out and about. thanks.

Many cuddles with Minnie made me happy

Zumba sweatyness made me happy/sad

there is ACTUAL FACTUAL sweat dripping down my legs. Don't know how that made me feel. Wet, I guess. 

my lovely Irish model made me feel quite a lot

This just straight up amused me: It's the myth of  news anchors who wear suit/shirt on top, and nothing but boxers underneath ;). Fret not, it was a close up shot.

late night skype saved my melancholy mood

this is what my necklaces look like in magic hour light, and it made being accidentally woken up at 6am totally worthwhile (thanks a lot pookie) 

owl, NYC, and a tooth made me happy

flip back to melancholy. BUT with an awesome hair accessory and skull poster , which make me less sad

yey! shorts and boots! 

more yey! found my watch!

well I'm just gonna end on a super high note obviously. Let's all just ride the wave of GORGEOUS.


Monday, 12 September 2011

clearly, I'm banana's

happy monday lovely peoples. I hope everyone is recovered from a weekend of banana debauchery (or any other kind).
I have come away from this weekend with two very important lessons; one being that I think it is time that I actually seriously give my drinking habit a bit of a break, I mean, as fun as it is - waking up and not remembering half of the night has become a slight worry. And two, when wearing a huge inflatable banana on your head, try your best not to smack too many people with it, as inevitably someone will get pissed enough to rip it off your head and throw it into the crowd (if anyone has any information as to WHO that douchelord was, please come forward, I am very sad to no longer have my banana headpiece!)
So for anyone confused as to the banana references, the highlight of this weekend was an Afro-Banana party. And from what I remember (not much) and what I was told (too much), I had an awesome time! (as I'm hoping everyone else did, be a bit awkward otherwise).

what's that? a banana skirt you say? why hell yes!

started out with a banana turban, but as you can see from my pink cheeks, it was damn hot

banana nails! oh yes! I don't do things by halves

i love bananas coz they're good for you

here is a monkey and an australian making my banana headpiece

yes, i am that drunk, and yes, my banana is that big

we got banana's...and afro's...and drunk

powwwwwww! the afro banana master!

it's a banana 'fro hybrid, duh. 

wooop! doc martens power!

amidst the drunk, there was a lotta love 


monkey and sad banana but i don't know why?

australian banana

more sad banana faces :( 
peace&love&yeah, you guessed it, BANANAS

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Day three of my new carb-free existence...


no mid week piss lounging by the pool like a louche mofo. It could only mean one thing, summer is officially over, my tan seems to have faded overnight, and I have gained 6kgs. I blame all of this on the MONSTER. Monster has ruined my life and my waist size. I literally tried to put on a pair of trousers last night AND COULD BARELY CLOSE THEM. I know some people have been appreciating my new peachy ass, and I thank you for the various squeezes, pinches and verbal compliments. But that shit just don't fly with me. So as of monday I have cut carbs drastically(so what does one eat if it's not carbs? I still don't know), no more monster (withdrawls), and reducing my alcohol intake (boring), and most extreme of all, tomorrow I have my first session with a personal trainer. WHAT HAS BECOME OF ME?!? oh yeah, my clothes don't fit after a summer of being the most louche-tastic being on the island. Daytime drinking, night-time drinking, eating, eating late night, and lying by the pool/beach does not burn too many calories I have realised the hard way. So it's time to get back to a new, improved routine.

I'll let you know how long I last.

Enough rambling, here are some delightful pictures...
Pan and I went boating while drinking wine

we didn't capsize despite the wine

I watched sunsets in Mosfiloti

and tanned with Franny

and watched more beautiful sunsets

watched some boys being extreme

Franny posed awesomely

I posed stupidly (nice new Ray-Bans though right?)

took some scenic pictures. cause I'm artistic like

gliiitttterrrr tan! 

...or maybe not too serious. lovely footballer shoot (plus me) for Down Town magazine

we make such a good couple no? 

 serious monkey business. I am so happy to work with hilarious people

Sneak peek at Cosmopolitan fashion editorial for october

yes, my styling is awesome.

while pan's is questionable (kidddddding ish)

my tan is pretty much gone.
I make models change in the car cause I'm a bitch like that.

lucky she was lovely and didn't complain

we always turn work into fun 

even the models get in on the longboard action (and in heels!)

i love nicosia